Parish Councils were established as the first tier of local government in 1894 to take over local oversight of civic duties in rural towns and villages. Ailsworth Parish Council discharges its duties and powers within the law and according to its governance policies. These policies are reviewed annually.
The rules governing the behaviour of Parish councillors are set out in the Code of Conduct issued by central government in April 2007. Parish Councillors work to rules on how business is conducted, as set out in the Standing Orders adopted by the Parish Council. Ailsworth’s APC Standing-Orders-2018-England-revised-2020 April 2022 also include information on:
- Procedures at the Annual Parish Meeting;
- Financial Regulations, including Procurement Policy;model-financial-regulations-england-july-2019 Revised April 2022
- Committee Structure and Scheme of Delegation;
- Terms of Reference of Committees;
- Code of Conduct supplementary guidance;
- Committees and Parish Council;
Further details on the governance and procedures of Parish Councils can be found in the Local Government Act 1972 and a Governance Toolkit for Parish & Town Councils.
Information on how the District Council and the local councils (i.e. town and Parish Councils) and Parish Meetings in its area work together is set out in the Parish Charter. This charter is currently under review pending completion of the Parliamentary passage of the Localism Bill and its subsequent enactment.
Ailsworth Parish Council is a member of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Association of Local Councils (CAPALC) which provides support and training for the Parish Councillors and Clerk.
All Parish Councillors are required to complete a Members’ Financial and Other Interests form to declare any pecuniary or other interest, for them or any member of their family, which are held on a register at
Visit the website if you wish to see details. Or follow the links below;
Parish councils contact details | Peterborough City Council
We have a Social Media and Electronic Communications Policy. Please read to ensure we all adhere to the guidelines and principals.
Social Media Policy