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Care for elderly and/or vulnerable residents and Good Neighbours Scheme – see below

Care Services and advice from Peterborough City Council (PCC)

If you are looking for care or support services, a Peterborough Care and Support Services Directory is available, free of charge, by calling Peterborough City Council Customer Services on 01733 747474.

If, at any time, you are concerned about the well being of members of our community, especially the elderly and especially during the cold winter months, or maybe you are in need yourself, help and assistance can be obtained from;

Age UK National telephone number:

0333 666 9860
Free information on issues including welfare, benefits, housing, care, health and wellbeing.
Factsheets and guidance available
Signposting to other organisations

Peterborough Adult Social Care:

01733 747474

Cambs Police

Non-emergency telephone: 101

Emergency telephone:   999

“Friend” service called SILVERLINE:

0800 4 70 80 90

(Launched by Esther Rantzen)

Care and repair
Provides help for home repairs and adaptations to assist with independent living and improve quality of life. Tel 01733 863895 or handyperson 01733 863860

Help at Home Cambs Care Network offers free, short-term practical and emotional help after a crisis, illness or hospital stay. Tel 01223 714433



Please telephone the Clerk on 07889 669550 for more details or to arrange a visit


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